We want to encourage you to remember our country, our church family, our church missionaries and our church’s military men in your daily prayers. Here are a few things you can pray for:
Our Country
Our country’s advisors, our state, military forces, firefighters, federal and local police officers, guidance counselors, and leaders of local churches.
Church Family
Our church families; strength, wisdom, guidance, patience and love for one another, our Pastors as they lead us, and their commitment to supporting the work of Christ, our Youth Group, The Children’s Center, and those who do not know Christ (Salvation).
Our Church Missionaries
Bruce and Susan Camp: Dual Reach
John and Marge Cosby: Immigrant Hope
Tom and Bev Gooldy: Campus Crusade
Johnny and Alexandra Gravino: Grace Ministries International
Name Withheld: Christar
Fernando and Jeanne Rocha: Ebenezer Bible Church- Mexico
In the Service
David Aguirre - Navy David and Maria Aguirre’s son
Bryant Miller - Marines Trent and Suzette Miller’s son
Ezekiel Valdez - Marines Janet Garza’s son
Kekoa Witcher - Air Force John Hill’s Son